Friday 9 January 2015

A Delicious Gift from the Rocket Cafe

This was a wonderful surprise gift at Christmas time.  I got it in the mail and there is still something more fun about a gift that arrives that way.  Maybe it reminds me of the excitement of getting grandparents'  Christmas boxes when I was young.

It was from one of our favourite bakery/restaurants in St. John's, Newfoundland, The Rocket Cafe. I think I told you about their wonderful chocolate cake with the even more wonderful raspberry buttercream frosting.  Daughter and I both tried to duplicate it for the next family birthday cakes.  In fact here is a link showing Courtney Ralph at the Rocket decorating their chocolate cake with that frosting.  She makes it look so easy. Sigh

  Hubby couldn't wait for us to unveil this cake from its beautiful wrapping layers. It was a very dark fruit cake and with his love of mincemeat and fruitcakey type food, it was right up his alley....

extremely moist and delicious. The ingredient list includes rum and apple juice, a clue to its moistness maybe so I will be looking through the cook books to try to duplicate this cake.
 Meanwhile we are doling it out in very thin delectable slivers to help it last.
Thank you daughter!

Link to this fabulous spot...have a look at their signature cake section....

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