Tuesday 20 May 2014

Eating Thai Food and Block Q

Here is Block Q of my Gardener's Alphabet.  I was surprised to see I had completed the butterfly thinking I had left all bees and butterflies till the end.  I wanted to stitch them together and enjoy that final touch.  I like how there are so many bees throughout the project highlighting their importance in any garden.  I was so happy to read recently that scientists think they know now why so many bees have died in recent years.  I am carefully eyeing each of these blocks as I photograph them; amazing how much can be overlooked, a leaf here or a stem there that got missed during the initial sewing. 
Back to trying to clean up my diet this week.  I'm usually pretty good but strayed a little with a few restaurant meals and outings (doesn't take much!) in recent weeks; there is just too much tasty food around!  I'm sipping water with lemon slices and ice cubes and keeping the evening meal simple.
I should tell you about a restaurant hubby and I went to last week.  It is a Thai Buffet but with a difference.  You order from a menu and they bring the food to you.  If you don't eat all of the dish you can be charged extra.  Each dish is a single serving size and the food was wonderful.  I had suishi, coconut shrimp skewers, calamari, seaweed salad, salmon, and hot and sour soup.  It sounds like a lot but really the servings were small.  Oh yes, I did have the fried banana and ice cream for dessert, again very small pieces, I swear.  This is making me hungry thinking of it as I write, yikes. 

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