Thursday 26 December 2013

Old Fashioned Circle of Communication

The Christmas cards  I've received this year represent 32 different views of Christmas.  Two have puppies wearing Santa hats, two feature cats, and one has a horse peaking from his barn stall. There are several with Christmas trees in both primitive dress and wildly ablaze; my elderly aunt has sent me a card for a 'special niece' that is obviously meant for a much younger 'girl' than me.  One has a set of sparkling candles, five have nostalgic type country scenes, and one has a large tree ornament covered in some sort of velvet paper.  There is one meant to be funny...two old people sitting in rocking chairs; his speech balloon says "My butt fell asleep"; hers reads "I know, I can hear it snoring."
None of the cards show families or children.  Only one of my cards depicts a nativity and there are no others with any signs of religious symbols.  Many feature snow which I guess makes sense in this northern climate. Of all the cards, my favourites are those with a personally written note in them and knowing this, I try to include a note in mine that I send out.  By the way, this year the cards I mailed had birds on them and I usually buy those associated with a charity like Unicef.  Like my grandmothers, I hang all the cards I receive over line strung across the inside doorways. 
I think this annual exchange of cards to mark the Christmas season and also wish a happy new year to family and friends far away is important.  I know it is an old-fashioned method of communication but it still serves a purpose; to keep up our connections, old and new. It is sad for me to contemplate that in this ever more technical society, this too is a practice of the sort that is ever waning. 

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